Effects of stocking density and water exchange rate on growth and survival of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) in circular tanks




Channel catfish were cultured for 177 days in circular tanks containing 1.6 m3 of water at combinations of five stocking densities (90–720 fish/m3) and five water exchange rates (2.0–0.5 h per exchange). Net yield increased as stocking density increased up to 540 fish/m3 then declined at higher densities. Mean fish weight, feed conversion efficiency and survival all declined as stocking density increased.

Water exchange rates of 1.5 h or greater achieved similar results at stocking densities of 180 and 360 fish/m3. However, at a density of 540 fish/m3 a faster exchange rate resulted in increased growth, feed conversion efficiency and survival. At 2.0 h per exchange, these parameters were depressed at 180 and 360 fish/m3.

The following predictive equations (P = 0.01) were formulated from the data, where x1 represents the stocking density and x2 the exchange rate.

Net yield:

Y1= −64.785 + 0.52x1+ 121.977x2− 2.25 × 10−5x12− 43.989x22− 0.0104x1x2.

Mean fish weight:

Y2= 26.649 − 0.346x1× 246.384x2− 97.55x22.

Feed conversion efficiency:

Y3= 1.799 − 9.673 × 10−4x1+ 0.464x22.

The maximum predicted net yield of 93.1 kg occurs at a stocking density of 399 fish/m3 and 0.91 h per exchange.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Effects of stocking density and water exchange rate on growth and survival of channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) in circular tanks
Series title Aquaculture
DOI 10.1016/0044-8486(74)90016-7
Volume 4
Issue 1
Year Published 1974
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Contributing office(s) Leetown Science Center
Description 11 p.
First page 29
Last page 39
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