Automated atomic absorption spectrometric determination of total arsenic in water and streambed materials

Analytical Chemistry
By:  and 



An automated method to determine both inorganic and organic forms of arsenic In water, water-suspended mixtures, and streambed materials Is described. Organic arsenic-containing compounds are decomposed by either ultraviolet radiation or by suHurlc acid-potassium persulfate digestion. The arsenic liberated, with Inorganic arsenic originally present, is reduced to arsine with sodium borohydrlde. The arable Is stripped from the solution with the aid of nitrogen and Is then decomposed In a tube furnace heated to 800 0176C which Is placed in the optical path of an atomic absorption spectrometer. Thirty samples per hour can be analyzed to levels of 1 μg arsenic per liter.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Automated atomic absorption spectrometric determination of total arsenic in water and streambed materials
Series title Analytical Chemistry
DOI 10.1021/ac50019a035
Volume 49
Issue 11
Year Published 1977
Language English
Publisher ACS Publications
Description 4 p.
First page 1599
Last page 1602
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