
Correlative weighted stacking for seismic data in the wavelet domain

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Edited by: Chen C.Xia J.


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Horizontal stacking plays a crucial role for modern seismic data processing, for it not only compresses random noise and multiple reflections, but also provides a foundational data for subsequent migration and inversion. However, a number of examples showed that random noise in adjacent traces exhibits correlation and coherence. The average stacking and weighted stacking based on the conventional correlative function all result in false events, which are caused by noise. Wavelet transform and high order statistics are very useful methods for modern signal processing. The multiresolution analysis in wavelet theory can decompose signal on difference scales, and high order correlative function can inhibit correlative noise, for which the conventional correlative function is of no use. Based on the theory of wavelet transform and high order statistics, high order correlative weighted stacking (HOCWS) technique is presented in this paper. Its essence is to stack common midpoint gathers after the normal moveout correction by weight that is calculated through high order correlative statistics in the wavelet domain. Synthetic examples demonstrate its advantages in improving the signal to noise (S/N) ration and compressing the correlative random noise.
Publication type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Title Correlative weighted stacking for seismic data in the wavelet domain
ISBN 1880132974
Year Published 2004
Language English
Larger Work Title Progress in Environmental and Engineering Geophysics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, ICEEG 2004
First page 161
Last page 165
Conference Title Progress in Environmental and Engineering Geophysics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, ICEEG 2004
Conference Location Wuhan
Conference Date 6 June 2004 through 9 June 2004
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