Geologic map of the Corona South 7.5' quadrangle, Riverside and Orange counties, California

Open-File Report 2002-21
Prepared in cooperation with California Division of Mines and Geology
By: , and 



Open-File Report 01-021 contains a digital geologic map database of the Corona South 7.5’ quadrangle, Riverside County, California that includes:

1. ARC/INFO (Environmental Systems Research Institute, version 7.2.1 coverages of the various elements of the geologic map.

2. A Postscript file to plot the geologic map on a topographic base, and containing a Correlation of Map Units diagram (CMU), a Description of Map Units (DMU), and an index map.

3. Portable Document Format (.pdf) files of:
a. A Readme file; includes in Appendix I, data contained in crs_met.txt
b. The same graphic as plotted in 2 above. Test plots have not produced 1:24,000-scale map sheets. Adobe Acrobat page size setting influences map scale.

The Correlation of Map Units and Description of Map Units is in the editorial format of USGS Geologic Investigations Series (I-series) maps but has not been edited to comply with I-map standards. Within the geologic map data package, map units are identified by standard geologic map criteria such as formation-name, age, and lithology. Where known, grain size is indicated on the map by a subscripted letter or letters following the unit symbols as follows: lg, large boulders; b, boulder; g, gravel; a, arenaceous; s, silt; c, clay; e.g. Qyfa is a predominantly young alluvial fan deposit that is arenaceous. Multiple letters are used for more specific identification or for mixed units, e.g., Qfysa is a silty sand. In some cases, mixed units are indicated by a compound symbol; e.g., Qyf2sc. Marine deposits are in part overlain by local, mostly alluvial fan, deposits and are labeled Qomf. Grain size follows f.

Even though this is an Open-File Report and includes the standard USGS Open-File disclaimer, the report closely adheres to the stratigraphic nomenclature of the U.S. Geological Survey. Descriptions of units can be obtained by viewing or plotting the .pdf file (3b above) or plotting the postscript file (2 above).

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Geologic map of the Corona South 7.5' quadrangle, Riverside and Orange counties, California
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 2002-21
DOI 10.3133/ofr0221
Year Published 2002
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Geology, Minerals, Energy, and Geophysics Science Center
Description Map: 52.0 x 34.0 inches; Readme: PDF, 19 p.; Readme: TXT; Metadata; Database
Country United States
State California
County Orange County, Riverside County
Projection Polyconic projection
Scale 24000
Additional Online Files (Y/N) Y
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
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