Geophysical Data Collected off the South Shore of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

Open-File Report 2008-1288
Prepared in cooperation with the Office of Naval Research (ONR)
By: , and 



The U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Science Center conducted a nearshore geophysical survey offshore of the southern coast of Martha's Vineyard, in the vicinity of the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory in 2007. This mapping program was part of a larger research effort supporting the Office of Naval Research Ripples Directed-Research Initiative studies at Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory designed to improve our understanding of coastal sediment-transport processes. The survey was conducted aboard the Megan T. Miller August 9-13, 2007. The study area covers 35 square kilometers from about 0.2 kilometers to 5 kilometers offshore of the south shore of Martha's Vineyard, and ranges in depth from ~6 to 24 meters. The geophysical mapping utilized the following suite of high-resolution instrumentation to map the surficial sediment distribution, bathymetry, and sub-surface geology: a dual-frequency 100/500 kilohertz sidescan-sonar system, 234 kilohertz interferometric sonar, and 500 hertz -12 kilohertz chirp subbottom profiler. These geophysical data will be used to provide initial conditions for wave and circulation modeling within the study area.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Geophysical Data Collected off the South Shore of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 2008-1288
DOI 10.3133/ofr20081288
Edition -
Year Published 2010
Language ENGLISH
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Woods Hole Science Center
Online Only (Y/N) Y
Additional Online Files (Y/N) N
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