Preliminary report on the geology and underground water resources of the central Great Plains

Professional Paper 32



The area to which this report relates is shown in Pl. II.  It comprises the greater portions of South Dakota, Nebraska, and Kansas, and the eastern portions of Colorado and of Wyoming, an area of about one-half million square miles. It is the result of my investigations during the past eight years, but includes also all available data from many sources. I have been aided by various field assistants, those deserving special mention being Messrs. C. A. Fisher, C. C. O'Harra, J.E. Todd, the late C. M. Hall, G. B. Eichardson, W. S. Tangier Smith, E. H. Barbour, and the late J. E. Macfarland.

On account of its size, the region presents relatively diverse geologic conditions, but comprises comparatively few formations, most of which are widespread. The question of water supply, both overground and underground, is one of great interest to the people in this district, and although considerable progress has been made in some sections in developing well waters, there are vast areas in which the present supplies are inadequate, even for local domestic use. In order to understand the relations of the underground waters it has been necessary to investigate the geology, especially the structure and stratigraphy of the water-bearing and associated formations. This part of the work has required a very large amount of special field study, and the present results show that extended investigation will be required before many important questions of geology can be fully understood.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Preliminary report on the geology and underground water resources of the central Great Plains
Series title Professional Paper
Series number 32
DOI 10.3133/pp32
Year Published 1905
Language English
Publisher U.S. Government Printing Office
Description Report: 433 p.; 2 Plates: 32.13 x 31.96 inches and 31.84 x 32.29 inches
Country United States
State Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming
Other Geospatial Great Plains
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