Comparison of tracer methods and predictive equations for determination of stream-reaeration coefficients on three small streams in Wisconsin

Water-Resources Investigations Report 80-19
Prepared in cooperation with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
By:  and 



Four modified nonradioactive-tracer methods and 20 predictive equations for determination of stream-reaeration coefficients in three small Wisconsin streams were compared with the radioactive-tracer method developed by Tsivoglou.

Of the four modified-tracer techniques, the propane-area technique, which measures the total weight of propane gas passing stream-sampling stations, yielded the least mean absolute difference of 11.0 percent compared with the radioactive-tracer method. The propane peak concentration, ethylene peak concentration, and ethylene total weight methods gave mean absolute differences of 18, 21, and 26 percent, respectively.

The top five ranking predictive equations were as follows: Tsivoglou-Neal with 18 percent mean error, Negulescu-Rojanski with 21 percent, Padden-Gloyna with 23 percent, Thackston-Krenkel with 29 percent, and Bansal with 32 percent. (USGS).

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Comparison of tracer methods and predictive equations for determination of stream-reaeration coefficients on three small streams in Wisconsin
Series title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series number 80-19
DOI 10.3133/wri8019
Year Published 1980
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Wisconsin Water Science Center
Description iv, 36 p.
Country United States
State Wisconsin
County Dane County, Grant County, La Crosse County
Other Geospatial Black Earth Creek, Bonner Branch, Halfway Creek
Online Only (Y/N) N
Additional Online Files (Y/N) N
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