Cost effectiveness of the stream-gaging program in Pennsylvania

Water-Resources Investigations Report 85-4077
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This report documents a cost-effectiveness study of the stream-gaging program in Pennsylvania. Data uses and funding were identified for 223 continuous-record stream gages operated in 1983; four are planned for discontinuance at the close of water-year 1985; two are suggested for conversion, at the beginning of the 1985 water year, for the collection of only continuous stage records. Two of 11 special-purpose short-term gages are recommended for continuation when the supporting project ends; eight of these gages are to be discontinued and the other will be converted to a partial-record type. Current operation costs for the 212 stations recommended for continued operation is $1,199,000 per year in 1983. The average standard error of estimation for instantaneous streamflow is 15.2%. An overall average standard error of 9.8% could be attained on a budget of $1,271,000, which is 6% greater than the 1983 budget, by adopted cost-effective stream-gaging operations. (USGS)
Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Cost effectiveness of the stream-gaging program in Pennsylvania
Series title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series number 85-4077
DOI 10.3133/wri854077
Year Published 1985
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Contributing office(s) Pennsylvania Water Science Center
Description v, 108 p. :ill., maps ;28 cm.
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