Hydrologic monitoring of selected streams in coal fields of central and southern Utah — Summary of data collected, August 1978-September 1984

Water-Resources Investigations Report 86-4017
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The U.S. Geological Survey conducted a coal-hydrology monitoring program in coal-field areas of central and southern Utah during August 1978-September 1984 to determine possible hydrologic impacts of future mining and to provide a better understanding of the hydrologic systems of the coal resource areas monitored. Data were collected at 19 gaging stations--18 stations in the Price, San Rafael, and Dirty Devil River basins, and 1 in the Kanab Creek Basin. Streamflow data were collected continuously at 11 stations and seasonally at 5 stations. At the other three stations streamflow data were collected continuously during the 1979 water year and then seasonally for the rest of their periods of record. Types of data collected at each station included quantity and quality of streamflow; suspended sediment concentrations; and descriptions of stream bottom sediments, benthic invertebrate, and phytoplankton samples. Also, base flow measurements were made annually upstream from 12 of the gaging stations. Stream bottom sediment sampled at nearly all the monitoring sites contained small to moderate quantities of coal, which may be attributed chiefly to pre-monitoring mining. Streamflow sampled at several sites contained large concentrations of sulfate and dissolved solids. Also, concentrations of various trace elements at 10 stations, and phenols at 18 stations, exceeded the criteria of the EPA for drinking water. This may be attributed to contemporary (water years 1979-84) mine drainage activities. The data collected during the complete water years (1979-84) of monitoring do provide a better understanding of the hydrologic systems of the coal field areas monitored. The data also provide a definite base by which to evaluate hydrologic impacts of continued or increased coal mining in those areas. (Author 's abstract)

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Hydrologic monitoring of selected streams in coal fields of central and southern Utah — Summary of data collected, August 1978-September 1984
Series title Water-Resources Investigations Report
Series number 86-4017
DOI 10.3133/wri864017
Year Published 1987
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description Report: vii, 102 p.; 1 Plate: 22.28 × 23.43 inches
Country United States
State Utah
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