10Be accumulation in a soil chronosequence

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
By: , and 



We have measured the concentration of the cosmogenic isotope10Be in soil samples from various horizons at six sites, including three independently dated Rappahannock River terraces and a previously undated Piedmont soil to which we have assigned an age. All of the incident10Be can be accounted for in one of these soils and a second is within a factor of two. In three soils, whose concentrations vary widely with depth, a significant fraction of the incident10Be cannot be accounted for. Incomplete sampling, and enhanced Be mobility caused by organic components, are the probable reasons for the low inventory of Be from these three soils. Overall, the data from these six sites indicate that10Be accumulation could be used to assign ages to soils if Be is not mobilized and lost from the soil profile.

    Publication type Article
    Publication Subtype Journal Article
    Title 10Be accumulation in a soil chronosequence
    Series title Earth and Planetary Science Letters
    DOI 10.1016/0012-821X(84)90151-1
    Volume 68
    Issue 2
    Year Published 1984
    Language English
    Publisher Elsevier
    Description 7 p.
    First page 198
    Last page 204
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