
Comparison of current meters used for stream gaging

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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is field and laboratory testing the performance of several current meters used throughout the world for stream gaging. Meters tested include horizontal-axis current meters from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the People's Republic of China, and vertical-axis and electromagnetic current meters from the United States. Summarized are laboratory test results for meter repeatability, linearity, and response to oblique flow angles and preliminary field testing results. All current meters tested were found to under- and over-register velocities; errors usually increased as the velocity and angle of the flow increased. Repeatability and linearity of all meters tested were good. In the field tests, horizontal-axis meters, except for the two meters from the People's Republic of China, registered higher velocity than did the vertical-axis meters.
Publication type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Title Comparison of current meters used for stream gaging
ISBN 0784400369
Year Published 1994
Language English
Publisher Publ by ASCE
Publisher location New York, NY, United States
Larger Work Title Proceedings of the Symposium on Fundamentals and Advancements in Hydraulic Measurements and Experimentation
First page 376
Last page 385
Conference Title Proceedings of the Symposium on Fundamentals and Advancements in Hydraulic Measurements and Experimentation
Conference Location Buffalo, NY, USA
Conference Date 1 August 1994 through 5 August 1994
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