
Measurements of velocity and discharge, Grand Canyon, Arizona, May 1994

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Edited by: Espey William H.Combs Phil G.


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The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) evaluated the feasibility of utilizing an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) to collect velocity and discharge data in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona, in May 1994. An ADCP is an instrument that can be used to measure water velocity and discharge from a moving boat. Measurements of velocity and discharge were made with an ADCP at 54 cross sections along the Colorado River between the Little Colorado River and Diamond Creek. Concurrent measurements of discharge with an ADCP and a Price-AA current meter were made at three U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations: Colorado River above the Little Colorado River near Desert View, Colorado River near Grand Canyon, and Colorado River above Diamond Creek near Peach Springs. Discharges measured with an ADCP were within 3 percent of the rated discharge at each streamflow-gaging station. Discharges measured with the ADCP were within 4 percent of discharges measured with a Price-AA meter, except at the Colorado River above Diamond Creek. Vertical velocity profiles were measured with the ADCP from a stationary position at four cross sections along the Colorado River. Graphs of selected vertical velocity profiles collected in a cross section near National Canyon show considerable temporal variation among profile.
Publication type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Title Measurements of velocity and discharge, Grand Canyon, Arizona, May 1994
Volume 2
Year Published 1995
Language English
Publisher ASCE
Publisher location New York, NY, United States
Larger Work Title International Water Resources Engineering Conference - Proceedings
First page 1774
Last page 1778
Conference Title Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Water Resources. Part 1 (of 2)
Conference Location San Antonio, TX, USA
Conference Date 14 August 1995 through 18 August 1995
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