
Fluvial-deltaic sedimentation and stratigraphy of the ferron sandstone

Brigham Young University Geology Studies
By: , and 


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East-central Utah has world-class outcrops of dominantly fluvial-deltaic Turonian to Coniacian aged strata deposited in the Cretaceous foreland basin. The Ferron Sandstone Member of the Mancos Shale records the influences of both tidal and wave energy on fluvial-dominated deltas on the western margin of the Cretaceous western interior seaway. Revisions of the stratigraphy are proposed for the Ferron Sandstone. Facies representing a variety of environments of deposition are well exposed, including delta-front, strandline, marginal marine, and coastal-plain. Some of these facies are described in detail for use in petroleum reservoir characterization and include permeability structure.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Fluvial-deltaic sedimentation and stratigraphy of the ferron sandstone
Series title Brigham Young University Geology Studies
Volume 42
Issue 2
Year Published 1997
Language English
Publisher Brigham Young University
Description 20 p.
First page 135
Last page 154
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