
Nutrient concentrations and fluxes in tributaries to the Swan-Canning estuary, Western Australia

IAHS-AISH Publication
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In Western Australia, catchment nutrient availability on an areal basis is primarily controlled by the disposal of animal waste and the type and rate of fertilizer application, particularly in coastal areas. The coastal areas receive notably higher rainfall and have more intense horticulture and animal production than inland areas, and are undergoing rapid urbanization, particularly adjacent to the estuary. Also, the surficial aquifers on the coastal plain are generally sandy having a low nutrient retention capacity and rapidly transmit soluble and colloidal material through the subsurface. In the Swan-Canning basin, high air and soil temperatures and seasonally arid conditions cause rapid mineralization of nitrogen and phosphorus. The nutrients are subsequently available for transport during the onset of seasonal wet weather, which typically begins during the period from late April to June. In addition to the rapid mobility of nutrients in streamwater from agricultural areas during the wet season, drains in urban areas, which typically have high nutrient concentrations, also are an important source of nutrients as the drains flow directly to the estuary throughout the year.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Nutrient concentrations and fluxes in tributaries to the Swan-Canning estuary, Western Australia
Series title IAHS-AISH Publication
Issue 257
Year Published 1999
Language English
Publisher IAHS
Publisher location Houston, TX, United States
Larger Work Type Article
Larger Work Subtype Journal Article
Larger Work Title IAHS-AISH Publication
First page 87
Last page 94
Conference Title Proceedings of the 1999 IUGG 99, the XXII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
Conference Location Birmingham, UK
Conference Date 18 July 1999 through 30 July 1999
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