
Seismic joint analysis for non-destructive testing of asphalt and concrete slabs

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A seismic approach is used to estimate the thickness and elastic stiffness constants of asphalt or concrete slabs. The overall concept of the approach utilizes the robustness of the multichannel seismic method. A multichannel-equivalent data set is compiled from multiple time series recorded from multiple hammer impacts at progressively different offsets from a fixed receiver. This multichannel simulation with one receiver (MSOR) replaces the true multichannel recording in a cost-effective and convenient manner. A recorded data set is first processed to evaluate the shear wave velocity through a wave field transformation, normally used in the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method, followed by a Lambwave inversion. Then, the same data set is used to evaluate compression wave velocity from a combined processing of the first-arrival picking and a linear regression. Finally, the amplitude spectra of the time series are used to evaluate the thickness by following the concepts utilized in the Impact Echo (IE) method. Due to the powerful signal extraction capabilities ensured by the multichannel processing schemes used, the entire procedure for all three evaluations can be fully automated and results can be obtained directly in the field. A field data set is used to demonstrate the proposed approach.
Publication type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Title Seismic joint analysis for non-destructive testing of asphalt and concrete slabs
Issue 130-142
Year Published 2005
Language English
Larger Work Title Geotechnical Special Publication
First page 991
Last page 1000
Conference Title Geo-Frontiers 2005
Conference Location Austin, TX
Conference Date 24 January 2005 through 26 January 2005
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