Generalized structure contour maps of the New Jersey coastal plain

Geologic report (New Jersey) 4
By: , and 



Twelve generalized structural contour maps were prepared from a study of 169 well logs or sample logs of drill cuttings from the Coastal Plain of New Jersey, Delaware, and the E astern Shore of Maryland. The configuration of the tops of the nonmarine Cretaceous deposits (Patuxent , Patapsco, Raritan, and Magothy formations) and the Piney Point Formation (Eocene) show the known subsurface extent of these formations in both New Jersey and Delaware. The structural contour maps show the tops of the Merchantville Formation and Woodbury Clay, the Englishtown Formation, the Marshalltown Formation, the Wenonah Formation and Mount Laurel Sand, the Navesink Forma ti on, and the Red Bank Sand which are a ll of Late Cretaceous age. The maps of the Hornerstown Sand, the Vincentown Formation, and the Manasquan Formation and Shark River Marl of early Tertiary age show the subsurface extent of these formations only in New Jersey. Also included is an outline map showing the locations of wells and seismic station s and a structural contour map showing the configuration of the bedrock surface of the report area. Structural contours on top of the Magothy Formation, or on the top of the Raritan Formation where the Magothy formation is absent, show the configuration of the nonmarine deposits of Cretaceous age. Isopachs of the nonmarine deposits are derived by interpolation between contours on top of the bedrock and the top of either the Magothy Formation or the Raritan Formation where the Magothy is absent. The Merchantville Formation and Woodbury Clay are difficult to separate in the subsurface, and therefore the contour a re drawn on top of the Woodbury Clay. In New Jersey, the thickness of the combined Merchantville Form a ti on and Woodbury Clay ranges from ab out 100 to 140 feet near the outcrop, but exceeds 250 feet in the subsurface along the coast in Ocean County. The top of the Englishtown Formation is easy to recognize because it generally consists of a micaceous white and yellow sand, although locally it is a silty clay . The formation thins toward the southwest from about 160 feet in central Ocean County to less than 20 feet in Salem County . It has not been recognized in Delaware. The Marshalltown Formation varies from black clay to a glauconitic sand. It usually ranges in thickness from 20 to 60 feet . It is very thin or absent in Delaware. The Wenonah Formation and Mount Laurel and arc difficult to separate in New Jersey, and therefore are shown as a unit. The combined thickness range from 60 to 100) feet. In Delaware the two formations are easily separated. The Navesink Formation is generally highly glauconitc and it is difficult to determine the upper limit where overlain by the Hornerstown Sand which is also glauconitic. The contour map on the top of the Navesink is based upon relatively little control. The Red Bank Sand reaches a thickness of about 160 feet in Monmouth County. It thins southwestward and is absent in outcrop in the southern part of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey. A probable equivalent of the Reel Bank has be recognized in Delaware. The Tinton Sand Member is the topmost unit of the Red Bank and in Monmouth County. The Hornerstown Sand is most glauconitic and is about 30 feet thick in outcrop. This is overlain by the Vincentown Formation which consists of two facies (1) calcareous sand facies and (2) quartz sand facies. These a re overlain by the Manasquan Formation and Shark River Marl which are here treated as a unit . In outcrop the combined thickness of the Manasquan Formation and Shark River Marl is about 40 feet, but in the subsurface they thicken to about 200 feet. The Piney Point Formation of Jackson age occur in the subsurface in Cape May and Atlantic Counties, N.J. and in southern Delaware but is not exposed in these States. Brief notes are given on formation of later Tertiary and Pleistocene age , but no contour maps were constructed.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype State or Local Government Series
Title Generalized structure contour maps of the New Jersey coastal plain
Series title Geologic report (New Jersey)
Series number 4
Year Published 1962
Language English
Publisher New Jersey Deptartment of Conservation and Economic Development
Publisher location Trenton, NJ
Description iv, 38 p.
Country United States
State Delaware;New Jersey
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