Abandoned floodplain plant communities along a regulated dryland river

River Research and Applications
By: , and 



Rivers and their floodplains worldwide have changed dramatically over the last century because of regulation by dams, flow diversions and channel stabilization. Floodplains no longer inundated by river flows following dam-induced flood reduction comprise large areas of bottomland habitat, but the effects of abandonment on plant communities are not well understood. Using a hydraulic flow model, geomorphic mapping and field surveys, we addressed the following questions along the Bill Williams River, Arizona: (i) What per cent of the bottomland do abandoned floodplains comprise? and (ii) Are abandoned floodplains quantitatively different from adjacent xeric and riparian surfaces in terms of vegetation composition and surface sediment? We found that nearly 70% of active channel and floodplain area was abandoned following dam installation. Abandoned floodplains along the Bill Williams River tend to be similar to each other yet distinct from neighbouring habitats: they have been altered physically from their historic state, leading to distinct combinations of surface sediments, hydrology and plant communities. Abandoned floodplains may transition to xeric communities over time but are likely to retain some riparian qualities as long as there is access to relatively shallow ground water. With expected increases in water demand and drying climatic conditions in many regions, these surfaces and associated vegetation will continue to be extensive in riparian landscapes worldwide

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Abandoned floodplain plant communities along a regulated dryland river
Series title River Research and Applications
Volume 30
Issue 9
Year Published 2014
Language English
Publisher Wiley
Contributing office(s) Fort Collins Science Center
Description 15 p.
First page 1084
Last page 1098
Country United States
State Arizona
Other Geospatial Bill Williams River
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