
Estimating ground-water influx to a portion of the Rio Grande de Manati River basin in Puerto Rico through the measurement of 222Rn

By: , and 
Edited by: Ferdinand QuinonesA.V. Sanchez, and H. Smith


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Water has become a critical commodity in the Caribbean Region. In spite of a relative abundance of rainfall even on the smaller islands, the region is faced with severe seasonal shortages as well as increasing water quality problems. The supply of thewater needs in the area will become even more critical as economic development accelerates and the population continues to increase. The development of the necessary infrastructure to supply the water needs of the next 30 years will require large capital investments. Perhaps even more important, it will require training of scientists and technicians in the investigation and management of the limited waterresources. The lack of trained personnel could be the most important factor in the solution of the water resources problems in the region. The principal objectives of this ' Third Caribbean Islands Water Resources Congress ', were to provide a focus for the transfer of technology on hydrology and water resources investigations in the region. The severe quality problems that affect water supplies in the U.S. Virgin Islands are the subject of two papers. The importance of a reliable data base on water use in small islands is considered in a paper on water use in St. Croix. Advanced techniques are discussed on how to measure groundwater contributions to runoff, use of geochemical techniques for interpretation of water quality characteristics, use of dye tracers in karst areas, simulation of small island 's aquifers, and use of borehole geophysical tools to estimate moisture. The contamination of groundwater resources is discussed in several papers focusing on monitoring, sludge management, and environmental assessment. (See W89-04666 thru W89-04682) (Lantz-PTT) 

Publication type Conference Paper
Publication Subtype Conference Paper
Title Estimating ground-water influx to a portion of the Rio Grande de Manati River basin in Puerto Rico through the measurement of 222Rn
Year Published 1986
Language English
Publisher Puerto Rico Water Resources Association
Publisher location San Juan, P.R
Contributing office(s) Caribbean Water Science Center
Description 1 p.
Larger Work Type Conference Paper
Larger Work Subtype Conference Paper
Larger Work Title Proceedings of the Third Caribbean Islands Water-Resources Congress
First page 27
Conference Title Third Caribbean Islands Water-Resources Congress
Conference Location U.S. Virgin Islands
Conference Date July 22-25, 1986
Online Only (Y/N) N
Additional Online Files (Y/N) N
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