Hydrogeochemical effects of injecting wastes into a limestone aquifer near Pensacola, Florida




Acidic industrial wastes have been injected into deep wells in a limestone aquifer near Pensacola, Florida, since 1963. Prior geohydrologic studies in the area had indicated that the limestone aquifer contained nonpotable water and was overlain by an extensive clay confining layer.

Two injection wells are presently being used to inject the waste at a rate of approximately 2,000 gallons per minute. The injection pressures are about 200 pounds per square inch. Over 3 billion gallons have been injected. Data from a current study indicate that the waste may extend outward about 1 mile from the injection wells, and pressure effects may extend outward more than 25 miles. Monitor wells show that pressure changes are following a predictable pattern. No wastes have been detected in a monitor well open to the Floridan aquifer immediately above the Bucatunna Clay Member of the Byram Formation and 100 feet from one of the injection wells.

A monitor well open to the receiving formation was constructed about 1,300 feet south of the injection wells. Geochemical effects of the wastes were detected at this well about 10 months after injection began. In early 1968, the pH of the waste was lowered to about 3. Effects of this waste, which included a large increase in calcium, were detected at the monitor well about 5 months later.

Study Area

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Hydrogeochemical effects of injecting wastes into a limestone aquifer near Pensacola, Florida
Series title Groundwater
DOI 10.1111/j.1745-6584.1971.tb03526.x
Volume 9
Issue 1
Year Published 1971
Language English
Publisher Wiley
Contributing office(s) Toxic Substances Hydrology Program
Description 7 p.
First page 13
Last page 19
Country United States
State Florida
City Pensacola
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