Geology and land use in the western part of the Gulf Coast coal-bearing region

Bureau of Economic Geology (Texas), Miscellaneous Maps MM0041
Compiled by: Peter D. WarwickC.E. AubourgR.W. Hook, and John R. SanFilipo



This map series is a compilation of the outcrop geology in the U.S. Gulf Coast coal region. The maps show the regional geologic setting for primary coal occurrences and detailed geology and historic mining areas.

The CD contains ESRI ArcView SHP files of cities, urban areas, historical mines (points and polygons), counties, current mines, 1:100,000 quadrangle outlines of the study area, fossil fuel powerplants, nuclear powerplants, political boundaries, federally managed lands, roads and railroads in the study area, hydrology in the study area (polygons and arcs), geology nomenclature breaks, geological features (faults), and geology. ArcExplorer is included on the CD.

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype State or Local Government Series
Title Geology and land use in the western part of the Gulf Coast coal-bearing region
Series title Bureau of Economic Geology (Texas), Miscellaneous Maps
Series number MM0041
Year Published 2002
Language English
Publisher Co-published by the Bureau of Economic Geology (Texas) and the U.S. Geological Survey
Description CD-ROM
Other Geospatial Gulf coast
Scale 500000
Google Analytic Metrics Metrics page
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