Crater clusters and light mantle at the Apollo 17 site: A result of secondary impact from Tycho




The morphologies of Tycho secondary craters and their ejecta deposits were studied using full-Moon, Lunar-Orbiter, and Apollo panoramic photographs. These data were compared with similar data for the secondary craters and light mantle of the Apollo 17 landing site. The results indicate that (1) the central crater cluster and the light mantle can be attributed to Tycho, (2) the dominant mechanism for emplacement of the light mantle was impact by secondary craters that threw material across the valley floor, and (3) level sheets of material may be emplaced locally by secondary impact. Analysis of returned samples confirms that secondary impacts rework mostly local material.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Crater clusters and light mantle at the Apollo 17 site: A result of secondary impact from Tycho
Series title Icarus
DOI 10.1016/0019-1035(77)90123-3
Volume 30
Issue 1
Year Published 1977
Language English
Publisher Elsevier
Contributing office(s) Astrogeology Science Center
Description 17 p.
First page 80
Last page 96
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