Advancements in analytical approaches improve whitebark pine monitoring results

Greater Yellowstone Network Resource Brief
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Long-term monitoring programs track the status and trends of species in increasingly vulnerable environments. These monitoring results provide critical information for evaluating, understanding, and managing natural resources. To accurately interpret if and how conditions may be changing for select ecological indicators, it is essential that monitoring programs adopt methods to ensure exceptional data quality. To do this and remain relevant, practitioners need to be flexible and willing to embrace a degree of adaptivity in their protocols. They must periodically re-evaluate their statistical methods and field data collection techniques to provide contemporary, significant, and applicable inferences.

Study Area

Publication type Newsletter
Publication Subtype Newsletter
Title Advancements in analytical approaches improve whitebark pine monitoring results
Series title Greater Yellowstone Network Resource Brief
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher National Park Service
Contributing office(s) Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center
Description 4 p.
Country United States
State Idaho, Montana, Wyoming
Other Geospatial Greater Yellowstone region
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