Hydrogeochemical investigations of some historic mining areas in the western Humboldt River basin, Nevada

Data Series 70
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Productive historic mines in 13 mining districts, of many geochemical types, were investigated in May of 1998. Reconnaissance field observations were made and samples of mine dumps, mine drainage waters, and mill tailings have been collected to characterize the geochemical signature of these materials and to determine their actual or potential contamination of surface or ground waters. Field observations suggest that visible indicators of acidic mine drainage are rare, and field measurements of pH and chemical analyses of several kinds of materials indicate that only a few sites release acid or significant concentrations of metals.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Hydrogeochemical investigations of some historic mining areas in the western Humboldt River basin, Nevada
Series title Data Series
Series number 70
DOI 10.3133/ds70
Edition -
Year Published 2001
Language ENGLISH
Description One CD-ROM
Scale 0
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