Overview of surface-water resources at the U.S. Coast Guard Support Center Kodiak, Alaska, 1987-89

Open-File Report 96-463



Hydrologic data at a U.S. Coast Guard Support Center on Kodiak Island, Alaska, were collected from 1987 though 1989 to determine hydrologic conditions and if contamination of soils, ground water, or surface water has occurred. This report summarizes the surface-water-discharge data collected during the study and estimates peak, average, and low-flow values for Buskin River near its mouth. Water-discharge measurements were made at least once at 48 sites on streams in or near the Center. Discharges were measured in the Buskin River near its mouth five times during 1987-89 and ranged from 27 to 367 cubic feet per second. Tributaries of Buskin River below Buskin Lake that had discharges greater than 1 cubic foot per second include Bear Creek, Alder Creek, Magazine Creek, Devils Creek and an outlet from Lake Louise. Streams having flows generally greater than 0.1 cubic foot per second but less than 1 cubic foot per second include an unnamed tributary to Buskin River, an unnamed tributary to Lake Catherine and a drainage channel at Kodiak airport. Most other streams flowing into Buskin River, and all streams on Nyman Peninsula, usually had little or no flow except during periods of rainfall or snowmelt. During a low-flow period in February 1989, discharge measurements in Buskin River and its tributaries indicate that three reaches of Buskin River below Buskin Lake lost water to the ground-water system, whereas two reaches gained water; the net gain in streamflow attributed to ground-water inflow at a location near the mouth was estimated to be 2.2 cubic feet per second. The 100-year peak flow for Buskin River near its mouth was estimated to be 4,460 cubic feet per second. Average discharge was estimated to be 125 cubic feet per second and the 7-day 10-year low flow was estimated to be 5.8 cubic feet per second.

Study Area

Publication type Report
Publication Subtype USGS Numbered Series
Title Overview of surface-water resources at the U.S. Coast Guard Support Center Kodiak, Alaska, 1987-89
Series title Open-File Report
Series number 96-463
DOI 10.3133/ofr96463
Year Published 1996
Language English
Publisher U.S. Geological Survey
Description Report: iv, 18 p.; 2 Plates: 32.22 × 32.04 inches and 33.01 × 32.90 inchies
Country United States
State Alaska
City Kodiak
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