Cryovolcanism on Ceres

By: , and 



Volcanic edifices are abundant on rocky bodies of the inner solar system. In the cold outer solar system, volcanism can occur on solid bodies with a water-ice shell, but derived cryovolcanic constructs have proved elusive. We report the discovery using Dawn Framing Camera images of a landform on dwarf planet Ceres, which we argue represents a viscous cryovolcanic dome. Parent material of the cryomagma is a mixture of secondary minerals, including salts and water ice. Absolute model ages from impact craters reveal that extrusion of the dome has occurred recently. Ceres’ evolution must have been able to sustain recent interior activity and associated surface expressions. We propose salts with low eutectic temperatures and thermal conductivities as key drivers for Ceres’ long-term internal evolution.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Cryovolcanism on Ceres
Series title Science
DOI 10.1126/science.aaf4286
Volume 353
Issue 6303
Year Published 2016
Language English
Publisher American Association for the Advancement of Science
Contributing office(s) Astrogeology Science Center
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