Intended consequences statement

Conservation Science and Practice
By: , and 



As the biodiversity crisis accelerates, the stakes are higher for threatened plants and animals. Rebuilding the health of our planet will require addressing underlying threats at many scales, including habitat loss and climate change. Conservation interventions such as habitat protection, management, restoration, predator control, translocation, genetic rescue, and biological control have the potential to help threatened or endangered species avert extinction. These existing, well-tested methods can be complemented and augmented by more frequent and faster adoption of new technologies, such as powerful new genetic tools. In addition, synthetic biology might offer solutions to currently intractable conservation problems. We believe that conservation needs to be bold and clear-eyed in this moment of great urgency.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Intended consequences statement
Series title Conservation Science and Practice
DOI 10.1111/csp2.371
Volume 3
Issue 4
Year Published 2021
Language English
Publisher Wiley
Contributing office(s) Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
Description e371, 3 p.
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