The mysterious case of the missing razor clams

Frontiers for Young Minds
By: , and 



Oceans are changing and these changes are affecting animals that live there. Animals respond differently to changes in water temperature, food availability, or contaminants. Those responses can be seen in their genes. Gene transcription is a tool that allows scientists to see the response of an animal’s genes to its environment. We used gene transcription to compare two populations of Pacific razor clams in Alaska: one that has lots of clams and one that used to have lots but doesn’t anymore. We were surprised when we didn't find any differences in their gene responses! So, we had to think about what else might be influencing the number of clams in these two populations. As we “dug” for answers, we found out that there are differences between the populations that don‘t influence their genes but may impact their numbers, such as predation.
Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title The mysterious case of the missing razor clams
Series title Frontiers for Young Minds
DOI 10.3389/frym.2022.715425
Volume 10
Year Published 2023
Language English
Publisher Frontiers
Contributing office(s) Coop Res Unit Leetown, Western Ecological Research Center
Description 715425
First page 715425
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