Nonlinear patterns of surface elevation change in coastal wetlands: The value of generalized additive models for quantifying rates of change

Estuaries and Coasts
By: , and 



In the face of accelerating climate change and rising sea levels, quantifying surface elevation change dynamics in coastal wetlands can help to develop a more complete understanding of the implications of sea-level rise on coastal wetland stability. The surface elevation table-marker horizon (SET-MH) approach has been widely used to quantify and characterize surface elevation change dynamics in coastal marshes and mangrove forests. Whereas past studies that utilized the SET-MH approach have most often quantified rates of surface elevation change using simple linear regression analyses, several recent studies have shown that elevation patterns can include a diverse combination of linear and non-linear patterns. Generalized additive models (GAMs) are an extension of generalized linear models (GLMs) that have previously been used to analyze a variety of complex ecological processes such as cyclical changes in water quality, species distributions, long-term patterns in wetland area change, and palaeoecological time series. Here, we use long-term SET data to demonstrate the value of generalized additive models for analyzing non-linear patterns of surface elevation change in coastal wetlands. Additionally, we illustrate how the GAM approach can be used to effectively quantify rates of elevation change at both landscape- and local site-level scales.

Publication type Article
Publication Subtype Journal Article
Title Nonlinear patterns of surface elevation change in coastal wetlands: The value of generalized additive models for quantifying rates of change
Series title Estuaries and Coasts
DOI 10.1007/s12237-023-01268-w
Edition Online First
Year Published 2023
Language English
Publisher Springer
Contributing office(s) Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center
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